RTE Procurement

The aim of RTÉ’s purchasing policy and procedures is to obtain the goods and services required by RTÉ on the most advantageous terms and prices, in compliance with public sector and EU guidelines and directives.

RTÉ Procurement Policy Statement

RTÉ is committed to providing the broadest range of value for money, quality content and services for all ages, interests and communities (See RTÉ Vision Mission Values). So achieving value for money in the procurement of works, supplies and services is essential to support its work in providing high quality service to the public in a cost effective and efficient manner. RTÉ complies with the EU Procurement legislation and Irish Procurement Guidelines published by the Department of Finance. The guiding principles are objectivity, transparency, fairness and equality of treatment.

Financial commitments bind RTÉ and therefore must be authorised and executed entirely in accordance with RTÉ’s Policy and Procedures and with its system of internal financial control.

Contact Information

Michael O’Sulliivan
Head of Procurement

For general inquiries please e-mail: purchasing@rte.ie

For RTÉ’s Standard Project Terms & Conditions, click here.

For RTÉ’s Standard General Purchasing Terms & Conditions, click here.