RTÉ Arts & Culture

RTÉ Arts & Culture

Acting Head of Arts & Culture

T: 01 2083111
E: grainne.mcaleer@rte.ie

RTÉ Arts and Culture

The central vision for RTÉ Arts and Culture is that RTÉ renews and reimagines its approach to Arts and culture and creates content that involves and impacts on a large cross section of Irish audiences.

RTÉ seeks proposals

Reflect and comment on life in Ireland, stories with human interest at the heart, stories with a strong narrative that engage and resonate with a broad audience. We welcome proposals marking anniversaries and ambitious, big subject arts anchor projects exploring  national events. We also invite independent production companies to submit ideas for high-impact, peak-time arts documentaries on RTÉ One which have the potential to attract BAI funding and other third-party money, such as collaborations with national cultural institutions, organisations, or government bodies.

RTÉ is committed to revitalising its approach to arts & culture, aiming to create content that resonates with a broad spectrum of Irish audiences. We are seeking ambitious, returnable formats that stand out in our television schedule and are a must watch on RTÉ Player.

We invite independent production companies to submit ideas for high-impact, returnable, prime-time popular arts formats and documentary series. We are particularly interested in proposals that reflect and comment on life in Ireland, featuring human interest stories with strong narratives that engage and introduce the arts or Irish culture to a mainstream audience.

We also welcome proposals that mark significant anniversaries or explore major arts projects and national events. Our focus includes ambitious cultural events on a national scale with emotional impact, live events for multi-platform broadcast that capture the current zeitgeist, unite the nation, and tell the story of who we are and how we are evolving as a nation.

RTÉ Arts works in partnership with many funders and institutions in order to amplify our Arts offering. As well as Coimisiún na Meán, other partners have included: Creative Ireland, Tourism Ireland, The National Parks &Wildlife Services, Screen Ireland; NI Screen, the ILBF and a number of universities and broadcasters. Identifying thirdparty funding and collaboration is an important part of the submission process for Arts commissions.




Coimisiún na Meán Sound & Vision 4 Round 56 – Open Round

RTÉ ARTS & CULTURE Documentary, Documentary Series

RTÉ ARTS & CULTURE, Formatted Series

Arts & Culture – RTÉ / ARTE G.E.I.E. Co-production Fund