Budget Range: €90,000 - €135,000 per hour
Duration: Series of 25 minutes. Four, Six or Eight parts.
Channel: RTÉ One, Midweek, Pre-watershed
Season: Autumn 2025 and Spring 2026
In exceptional circumstances if a higher cost per hour is necessary, producers must provide additional information and details explaining the reasons for the increased cost.
Full Brief
Popular Factual output plays in pre-watershed in either the 7pm or 8.30 pm slots and large audiences are available in these slots.
With multiple series in Popular Factual during the year, there is real scope for producers to pitch to refresh the pre-watershed schedule. Current output includes Cheap Irish Homes, High Road low Road The Complaints Bureau, Keys to My Life, Best Place to Be, Home of The Year, Supergarden.
Original Formats like The Complaints Bureau, Keys to My Life, Cheap Irish Homes, High Road Low Road, etc. have performed well, what other formats could we consider? We need a greater volume and range of ideas – where a long-running series is coming to an end, ideally, we’ll have alternative options to choose from. SuperGarden and Garden Heroes dealt with gardening in two contrasting formats, what other approaches are there?
Inside Penneys gave a great insight into behind the scenes of an Irish retail superpower with memorable characters and was hugely popular with audiences. What other precincts could we get cameras into? Observational series that tell an engaging story with great access and characters could work well here. Preference will be given to precincts that are potentially renewable, have an impact or recognition to a wide audience. Our audience should be surprised that cameras have been given access.
Programmes should be light in tone, but with substance, and reflect modern society. Unashamedly populist that make people smile. Very much Popular Factual. The areas currently covered are not exhaustive as we do not have anything around Health, Entrepreneurship, Interior design, Business, Weddings, or Competitive cooking, as examples. Alternative approaches can be explored like the use of Virtual Reality in My BodyFix with Kathryn Thomas and the use of Photo archives in Marty's Big Picture Show
The big challenge is to find an engaging way to deal with topics that affect the nation in an entertaining and informative way. Operation Transformation used to bring the country together for a healthier lifestyle, is there another health/fitness format to be explored in this area? The Borrowers looked at people's financial circumstances by focusing on a range of people burrowing from their Credit Union and following how they spent the money.
We currently have a wealth of property programmes in the schedule Cheap Irish Homes, Home of the Year and upcoming Retrofit Nation on RTÉ One and Home Rescue on RTÉ2, but that does not mean that this genre is closed to any new ideas coming through.
The best ideas are those we don’t even know we are looking for but those that celebrate Reasons To Be Cheerful and celebrate positivity will be well received. Ideas that serve to capture the changing demography of Ireland will score highly. Proposals from producers based outside of Dublin will also score highly.
In addition, we are interested in top talent with passion projects or well-known household names attached to a format. Examples include Best Place to Be with Baz and previously, Daniel and Majella's B&B Roadtrip - intelligent programmes in traditional Lifestyle areas - work and home, play and spend.
We will look at cookery if the idea is original, or competitive, but we are not looking for straight 'How To' shows.
We ask, in the first instance, that producers submit ideas into the eCommissioning system Login | RTE ( the programme category Factual “Popular Factual & Factual Entertainment - RTÉ One Midweek”
All ideas are accepted and considered on a rolling commissioning basis. Please indicate proposed production and delivery timelines in your proposal. We are seeking proposals that will deliver for Spring and autumn 2026.