Statement from the Chair of the RTÉ Board Siún Ní Raghallaigh re: Interim Report by Mazars commissioned by the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media
I welcome the publication of this Interim Report today. Regrettably, it is further evidence of the deficiencies in the financial controls and procurement processes in place at RTÉ in the period under examination.
I have been in ongoing contact with Minister Martin and the Department since these matters emerged and in the meeting with the Minister today, I again assured her that the Board is working assiduously to ensure that all necessary steps are taken to bring the organisation in line with best practice. Several of the issues highlighted to date have already been addressed.
The process of reform is well underway, and we will continue to work closely with the Director General Kevin Bakhurst and his interim leadership team to restore public confidence in the organisation.