Jack Woolley tops the Dancing with the Stars leaderboard in Dedicated Dance Week
Jack Woolley topped the leaderboard in what was an emotional night on Dancing with the Stars, as the remaining nine couples took to the floor for Dedicated Dance Week.
No couple were eliminated from the show this evening, so all couples will dance again next Sunday. Jack Woolley and his pro partner Alex Vladimirov will be exempt from next week’s elimination however, as their American Smooth saw them achieve the highest combined vote between the judges scores and the public vote.
The first celebrity to dance tonight was the Olympic gold medal-winning gymnast, Rhys McClenaghan and his pro partner Laura Nolan. They danced an energetic Jive to Gold Dust by DJ Fresh in honour of Rhys’ coach Luke Carson. Luke has coached Rhys throughout his career and helped him to achieve his lifelong dream of winning a gold medal at the Paris Olympics in 2024.
Judge Loraine Barry said: “You are a dream dancer. Lots of challenges to be the best, and to have the best jive it’s challenging… the rhythm, the kicks and the energy that you need. A brilliant, brilliant opening!”
Judge Arthur Gourounlian said: “You set the energy so high and you bursted with charisma. Let’s talk about the moonwalk in the jive, seriously! You sprinkled a little bit of gold dust on the dancefloor.”
Rhys and Laura scored a total of 33 points.
Next up, Meteorologist Joanna Donnelly and her dance partner Maciej Zieba danced a Tango to Dreams by The Cranberries. Joanna has spoken openly about her struggles with fertility and her IVF journey in the past and about Pomegranate, the former charity she set up to help couples who were in a similar position to her but couldn’t afford the treatment. Tonight, her dance was dedicated to one of these couples.
An emotional Arthur said: “It truly touched me. I can relate to your story. I can’t even talk. You made me remember to keep believing and keep dreaming and that anything is possible.”
Judge Brian Redmond said: “I think that’s the best I’ve seen you dance. There’s no doubt about it, you are improving every week. Well done.”
Judge Karen Byrne said: “I’m sure Noah and all of the families that you’ve helped would be so proud. It was beautiful.”
Joanna and Maciej scored a total of 24 points.
Actress Yasmin Seky and her partner Simone Arena performed the first Rumba of the season to Halo by Beyoncé. Yasmin dedicated this dance to her youth club workers, Mary, Phil and Gary, who she credited as the driving force behind encouraging her to pursue a career in performing.
Brian said: “It was a heavenly Rumba. You did the technical things really well, but I’d like you to bring the devil out a little bit more and just go for things.”
Karen said: “The whole of Cabra are buzzing tonight and are super proud of you! You can see how much technique you’ve worked on with Simone. As a Rumba goes it was brilliant.”
Loraine Barry said: “From one Cabra girl to another, well done. The Rumba is a very difficult dance and you’ve absolutely achieved it.”
Arthur said: “It was pure magic and hypnotic! You were like a fish in the water. Bravo!”
Yasmin and Simone scored a total of 29 points.
Chef Kevin Dundon and his dance partner Rebecca Scott danced a Tango to David Bowie’s Let’s Dance, dedicated to Kevin’s wife Catherine and set to a song from the era when they first met.
Karen said: “Did I see a bit of coordination there? Yes I did! The fact that you were dedicating this your beautiful wife, and the pressure to impress her, it really paid off. You didn’t just impress her, you impressed me as well.”
Loraine said: “I liked that Tango! I liked it so much, I want more! I love you two dancing together.”
Arthur said: “Dedication week really suits you. What a way to celebrate thirty years with your wife.”
Brian said: “I bet you never danced like that in clubs back in the 80’s! You certainly went for it, and you were in time with Rebecca from start to finish, that’s a first. Well done!”
Kevin and Rebecca scored a total of 22 points.
Former Miss Universe Ireland, Aishah Akorede and her pro partner Robert Rowiński paid homage to Aishah and her mother’s Nigerian heritage with an African-inspired Samba to Kese (Dance) by Wizkid. Aishah credited her mother Kemi as being the biggest influence in her life and a pillar of support, as Aishah has dealt with sickle cell disease throughout her life.
Loraine judge said: “When you take on the Samba you take on all the rhythms. That wasn’t enough for you, you added in your Nigerian roots. It was wonderful for all of us to see, and to be educated too. A shimmying delight!”
Arthur said: “I loved how you fused your own culture into this dance. You took a moment to educate Robert too, what a delight! It was electrifying.”
Brian said: “It was great to see some of those Nigerian influences. I’d love learn some of them! You created a beautiful lightness.”
Karen said: “The sass on that from the beginning. I think we all wanted to get up and join you. Well done!”
Aishah and Robert scored a total of 31 points.
Comedian Gearóid Farrelly and his partner Stephen Vincent danced a Paso Doble to Holding Out For a Hero by Bonnie Tyler in honour of Gearód’s own heroes, his parents, Eamon and Deirdre.
Arthur said: “What a powerhouse, what a hero! You commanded the floor. You were passionate and powerful. You really owned this tonight.”
Karen said: “I’ve never smiled and enjoyed a Paso Doble so much. It was like this was the week that you believed in yourself from start to finish.”
Loraine said: “For me you always validate the dance by being so true to it. I really loved it. You’re so in harmony with each other. It really is amazing.”
Gearóid and Stephen scored a total of 28 points.
Next up, social media star, Kayleigh Trappe and her pro partner, Ervinas Merfeldas danced a Contemporary Ballroom to Brave by Sara Bareilles. Kayleigh dedicated this dance to her four-year-old niece, Fíadh.
Brian said: “I really liked this. You flowed in and out of the lifts with ease.”
Karen said: “Lovely from start to finish. Overall it was a lovely Contemporary Ballroom.”
Loraine said: “Contemporary Ballroom is when you get a free license. You can have lifts, jumps, and you put everything in that. To me you are the brave one tonight. You’re 85% there, 15% percent more. Let it go, you’re nearly there!”
Arthur: “You did it! Tonight, we saw a whole new side to you that I love to see.”
Kayleigh and Ervinas scored a total of 29 points.
Taekwondo athlete Jack Woolley and his dance partner Alex Vladimirov danced an American Smooth to Grace by The Wolfe Tones. Jack dedicated the dance to his friend and two-time gold medal-winning boxer, Kellie Harrington, inspired by the support shown to him when he suffered a random assault just weeks after his first Olympic appearance in 2021.
Karen said: “When raw emotion and steps come together like that, it’s not just a dance we were looking at, it was like a journey we were all on with you. You were like a feather, floating effortlessly around the room.”
Loraine said: “From start to finish this was truly sublime. Telling the story of the song, through the movement, and the connection. Alex congratulations on the sublime choreography.”
Arthur said: “This American Smooth was truly breathtaking. You were gliding across the dancefloor. This wasn’t just a dance, it was a masterpiece in motion. J’adore!
Brian said: “From the waist up, I have never seen a male celebrity use the flow and the feeling that you’ve created tonight.”
Jack and Alex scored a total of 38 points.
The final couple to perform was Mrs. Brown’s Boys actor, Danny O’Carroll his pro partner Salome Chachua. They paid tribute to Danny’s father, Brendan with a Mrs. Brown’s Boys inspired Cha-cha-cha to She’s a Lady by Tom Jones. Danny reprised his role as Buster Brady, while Salome stepped into the shoes of Mrs. Brown for one night only.
Loraine said: “You busted your gut out there to get the action. It was so entertaining. Well done!”
Arthur said: “Buster brady is not only a chancer, he’s a dancer now!”
Karen: “You could have gone down the full comedy route and you didn’t. The cha cha itself had loads of content in it. Mrs Brown never looked so sexy!”
Danny and Salome scored a total of 31 points.
For tonight’s grand finale, the professional dancers performed a showstopping Contemporary Ballroom to Strangers by Lewis Capaldi.
As no couple was eliminated tonight, all of the celebrities will dance again next Sunday.
The glitz, glamour, and nail-biting competition will all unfold as Dancing with the Stars continues on RTÉ One and RTÉ Player next Sunday, February 9th at 6:30pm.
Date: Sunday February 2nd 2025
Photography credit: Kyran O’Brien
RTÉ Communications:
Rayna Connery and Éadaoin Nic Giolla Chomhaill
Notes to Editor:
Filling our Sunday evenings with glitz and glamour from January, the RTÉ One series sees 11 well-known figures team up with a professional dancer to perform a live routine every week. Each pairing will have a different dancing genre to master every week, from the Charleston to hip hop, and they’ll have just seven days to perfect their routine before performing live to the nation.
Each celebrity couple will be scored by an expert panel of four judges and the viewing public at home, with the winning couple claiming the much-coveted glitter ball trophy at the end of the series.
Dancing with the Stars is produced by ShinAwiL for RTÉ.
Dancing with the Stars is proudly sponsored by Hyundai.
You can follow all the action as it unfolds live on the Dancing with the Stars tracker on www.rte.ie/entertainment
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