RTÉ celebrates Irish Sign Language Awareness Week
RTÉ will once again mark Irish Sign Language Awareness Week, from Monday 18th – Sunday 24th September, with some special Irish Sign Language (ISL) programming and content across our services throughout the week, highlighting RTÉ’s ongoing commitment to the Deaf, Hard of Hearing and ISL Community in Ireland
>RTÉ One’s Nationwide (Monday, 18th September at 7.00pm) will see Bláthnaid Ní Chofaigh joined by Caroline Worthington, from RTÉ’s Signed News & Weather team, at the recent International Sheepdog Trials in Blessington. The show will feature on-screen ISL presentation throughout.
>RTÉ News with Signing will reflect the theme of each day of the ISL Awareness Week.
>On RTÉ2, news2day will feature young Deaf and Hard of Hearing contributors across the week.
>On RTÉjr and RTÉ2, a number of children’s programmes will feature ISL across the week
>RTÉ Weather will host The Holy Family School for the Deaf TY students on Tuesday 19th September to show them how ISL Weather is made. Students will also visit News, news2day, Access Services, Playout and the new Late Late Show set!
>On Saturday 23rd September, International Day of Sign Languages, the RTÉ sign at the entrance to RTÉ’s Donnybrook campus will turn Blue, a significant colour which symbolises Sign Language and represents how Deaf communities cherish their own language.
>Last week also saw the start of our ISL classes for employees.
RTÉ News and Current Affairs on RTÉ
>ISL on Nationwide on RTÉ One
Caroline Worthington from RTÉ’s signing team is on site with Nationwide presenter, Bláthnaid Ni Chofaigh in Co. Wicklow at the International Sheep Dog Trials 2023, where handlers and their dogs from the four nations – Ireland, England Scotland and Wales are all competing for the title of Supreme Champion. At the event, Blathnaid meets some competitors and their dogs, gets a beginner’s lesson in ploughing and meets some crafters at the event while reporter Mary Fanning meets a man in Co. Kildare, who has turned his sheep dog expertise in to a successful agri-tourism business. The full show will feature on-screen ISL presentation.
Speaking about signing on the Nationwide ISL special programme, Caroline Worthington from RTÉ’s Signed News & Weather team said: “I was delighted to be invited to celebrate ISL Awareness Week on Nationwide alongside Bláthnaid. I’m excited to show the Deaf community about the International Sheepdog Trials on the show.”
>RTÉ News
Regular features with young people from the ISL community who have important/inspiring stories to tell right across the week, and across the RTÉ News social channels.
>RTÉ News with Signing
Special ISL Awareness Week content will feature at the end of Signed News for the week.
>RTÉ News
Regular features with young people from the ISL community who have important/inspiring stories to tell right across the week, and across the RTÉ News social channels
>RTÉ Player will feature recent RTÉ ISL programmes with ISL, including documentaries of particular interest to the Deaf Community, such as:
- Mother Father Deaf
- London Calling
- Tribute: The Teresa Deevy Story
These programmes and series are also available:
- Pulling With My Parents
- Ireland’s Wild Islands
- The Talk
- Saol Na Feirme
- Kevin Moran:Codebreaker
- The 2 Johnnies Take On
- North Atlantic
- Cheap European Homes
- Room To Improve
- Clear History
For full ISL catalogue visit RTÉ Player: https://www.rte.ie/player/.
In addition, the promotion for the new RTÉ Player campaign for Wild Islands and North Atlantic series will broadcast next week with ISL presentation by Sarah-Jane O’Regan.
Both series available on-demand on RTÉ Player with ISL.
ON RTÉ One, RTÉ 2 and RTÉjr
RTÉ One:
- Missing: Beyond the Vanishing Triangle
- The Summer Show
- Angela Scanlon, Ask Me Anything Series 2
- Super Garden – Series 14
- Ireland’s Smartest
- The Full Irish Hidden Camera Show
RTÉ2 and RTÉjr:
- Body Brothers – Series 3
- Silly Sundays
- Let’s Find Out
- Funny Little Monsters
- Dizzy Deliveries
ON RTÉkids
On RTÉ Kids online, we tell you about some of the new ISL shows for young people and you can even watch some of them on the website.
Our social media channels will turn blue to mark International Day of Sign Languages on September 23rd.
For more on ISL Awareness Week on RTÉ keep an eye on RTÉ’s social media channels using #isl.