RTÉ Statement in relation to Party Political Broadcasts for European Elections June 2024
RTÉ has confirmed it is not in a position to offer Party Political Broadcasts for the European elections in June 2024.
RTÉ has highlighted difficulties with Party Political Broadcasts in the absence of new regulatory changes since March 2022, and has continued to correspond with Irish political parties on this matter over the past two years. Arising from the experience of the 2020 General Election, RTÉ has highlighted the fact that changing political realities are creating a situation where more parties are likely to qualify for Party Political Broadcasts than there are days in the election cycle.
As of February 2024, a total of 24 parties on the Register for Political Parties are registered to contest European elections.
This creates serious difficulties in providing a fair and proportionate rotation as required under the current regulatory code set out in Rule 27 of the Code of Fairness, Objectivity and Impartiality in News and Current Affairs.
Rule 27 states:
While there is no obligation on broadcasters to transmit party political broadcasts, those that do so shall ensure that they are allocated in an equitable manner and ensure that party political broadcasts are transmitted at times that are aimed at achieving a similar audience for all such broadcasts. Similar broadcast treatment shall be provided for all party political broadcasts, both at their introduction and at their conclusion. Such broadcasts may only be availed of by political parties included on the Register of Political Parties as provided for under Irish law. Determinations in respect of the allocation of party political parties are a matter for broadcasters.
For RTÉ to unilaterally change past criteria on Party Political Broadcasts allocation, outside of a revised regulatory framework, would leave any such change vulnerable to legal challenge.
Recently, the regulator, Coimisiún na Meán invited RTÉ to engage on an operational update to current electoral rules. The revisions being considered by Commission relate to the existing election rules and while proposals advocated by RTÉ will be considered in the context of revised guidance, final decisions on this rest with the Commissioners. RTÉ’s best assessment is that revised election guidance under Rule 27 is unlikely to be published until late April or early May.
RTÉ anticipates that in due course a Ministerial directive will again be issued to provide airtime to the Electoral Commission, and in addition the European Parliament has formally requested airtime for the European elections (urging people to vote) which RTE will facilitate.
Alongside these considerations, the likely timescale for revised election guidance by Coimisiún na Meán would not be sufficient to allow RTÉ revise qualifying impartial criteria for Party Political Broadcasts and devise and implement a schedule of rotations for Party Political Broadcasts in timely manner for the European elections.
RTÉ will examine the revised guidance issued by the Commission with a view to its applicability for a General Election in due course.