RTÉ is Supporting 27 Arts and Cultural Events this October

Watch our new promo: RTÉ Supporting the Arts | What’s On – YouTube

This October RTÉ is delighted to support Wexford Festival Opera, along with 26 other arts and cultural events nationwide.

RTÉ is supporting an array of fantastic events spanning theatre, history, literature, art, music, film and more. From an international arts festival for children in Galway, to film festivals in Kerry and Monaghan, classical music events and art exhibitions, as well as the theatre festival and history festival in Dublin.

DUBLIN RHA 200 | rhagallery.ie

CORK Rita Duffy: Persistent Illusions | https://crawfordartgallery.ie/

LIMERICK 40th EVA International | eva.ie

DUBLIN Dublin Theatre Festival | dublintheatrefestival.ie

DUBLIN GAA: People, Objects & Stories | museum.ie

NATIONWIDE Cassiopeia Winds Tour | https://www.facebook.com/cassiopeia.winds

DUBLIN Dublin Festival of History | https://dublinfestivalofhistory.ie/

LIMERICK Nights Candles are Burnt Out: Climate, Culture, Change & Community | https://www.huntmuseum.com/whats-on/nights-candles-are-burnt-out-climate-culture-change-community/

DUBLIN The Loved Ones | gatetheatre.ie

WEXFORD Nationwide and International Wexford Festival Opera | wexfordopera.com

DUBLIN On Location. | https://www.nationalgallery.ie/art-and-artists/exhibitions/upcoming-exhibitions/lavery-location

GALWAY Baboró International Arts Festival for Children | baboro.ie

KERRY Kerry International Film Festival 2023 | kerryfilmfestival.com

DUBLIN Bram Stoker Festival | bramstokerfestival.com

DUBLIN Indian film festival of Ireland | iffi.ie

MONAGHAN Clones Film Festival | clonesfilmfestival.com

LIMERICK Limerick Classical Concert Series | uch.ie

DUBLIN IMRAM Féile Litríochta Gaeilge | imram.ie

DUBLIN Andy Warhol Three Times Out | https://hughlane.ie/whats_on/hlg-andy-warhol-three-times-out/

MAYO Westival – Westport Arts and Music Festival | https://westival.ie

WICKLOW Left Behind | shadowboxireland.com

DUBLIN Open House Dublin 2023 | openhousedublin.com

DUBLIN Red Line Book Festival | redlinefestival.ie

DUBLIN ISLA Festival | https://dublin.cervantes.es/en/culture_spanish/isla_festival/isla_festival.htm

DUBLIN Tempesta | glassmasktheatre.com

CORK East Cork Early Music Festival | https://eastcorkearlymusic.ie/

NATIONWIDE Dublin Arts and Human Rights Festival |

Every year RTÉ supports over 150 arts, cultural, community and related events all over Ireland. With dedicated promotion on RTÉ’s television, radio and digital services, and extensive support across RTÉ’s social channels, the RTÉ Supporting the Arts scheme is a lifeline to Ireland’s creative and cultural sectors.

For more, see here.

RTÉ Supporting the Arts: What’s On this September 2023

Watch our new promo: RTÉ Supporting the Arts | What’s on – YouTube

This September RTÉ is delighted to support Culture Night, celebrating culture, creativity and the arts with events happening across the country on Friday, 22nd September.

In addition, RTÉ is supporting a host of fantastic events spanning theatre, history, poetry, art, music, film and more. From traditional music in Louth and Cork, a cartoon festival in Galway, opera in Dublin, Galway and Cork, a literary festival in Wexford, contemporary art and jazz in Limerick, classical music events, as well as Dublin Theatre Festival.

DUBLIN The Holy Hour | https://moli.ie/the-holy-hour/

DUBLIN RHA 200 | www.rhagallery.ie

CORK Rita Duffy: Persistent Illusions | https://crawfordartgallery.ie/

MAYO Westport Festival of Chamber Music | www.westportchambermusic.ie

LIMERICK 40th EVA International | www.eva.ie

DUBLIN IFI Documentary Festival 2023 | www.ifi.ie/docfest

DUBLIN Wigmore Hall Festival | https://www.riam.ie/news/wigmore-hall-festival-announced-for-whyte-recital-hall

WEXFORD Write By The Sea Kilmore Quay Literary Festival | www.writebythesea.ie

TIPPERARY From Out The Land | https://www.junctionfestival.com/from-out-the-land

DUBLIN Dublin Theatre Festival | www.dublintheatrefestival.ie

DUBLIN GAA: People, Objects & Stories | www.museum.ie

DUBLIN, GALWAY, CORK FLIGHT, an opera by Jonathan Dove | www.operacollectiveireland.com

LIMERICK Limerick Jazz Festival 2023 | www.limerickjazz.com

NATIONWIDE Cassiopeia Winds Tour | https://www.facebook.com/cassiopeia.winds

DUBLIN Dublin Fringe Festival 2023 | https://www.fringefest.com/

WEXFORD New Ross Piano Festival | www.newrosspianofestival.com

NATIONWIDE Tour by the Carducci Quartet | www.nsqf.ie

NATIONWIDE Culture Night 2023 | www.culturenight.ie

LOUTH Boyne Tradfest | www.boynetradfest.ie

CORK Cork Folk Festival | www.corkfolkfestival.com

DUBLIN Dublin Festival of History | https://dublinfestivalofhistory.ie/

DUBLIN, LIMERICK, CORK, GALWAY, LONGFORD Ireland Is | www.poetryireland.ie

LIMERICK Nights Candles are Burnt Out: Climate, Culture, Change & Community | https://www.huntmuseum.com

DUBLIN The Loved Ones | www.gatetheatre.ie

DONEGAL Disappear Here International Film Festival | https://disappearherefilmfest.com/

GALWAY Galway Cartoon Festival 2023 | www.galwaycartoonfestival.ie

LOUTH Seán Corcoran Series | www.seancorcoranseries.com

For more, see here.

Statement by the Interim Deputy Director-General, Adrian Lynch, to the PAC

I, as Interim Deputy Director-General, concede that, as an Executive, we failed in our collective responsibility regarding the events leading to the misstatement of payments to Ryan Tubridy. I wish to state again our deep regret regarding what has emerged in recent days. For this serious breach of trust with the public, we apologise.

It is a fact that the application of governance procedures at executive board level allowed for the partial and incomplete sharing of information, so that individual members of the executive either did not have access to information, or had information withheld from them.

It is true that the Executive Board failed in its responsibility to act as a collective, and failed to ensure good governance in this matter. Collectively, owing to the siloed style of procedures at Executive, and an overreliance on the prerogative asserted by the Director-General, we did not receive a comprehensive evaluation of Ryan Tubridy’s contract in full, including the way in which the payments were treated. We acknowledge and accept this failure by those members of the Executive who were aware of the contract.

I have spoken to Kevin Bakhurst last night. I understand that his first task will be a reconstitution of the Executive Board of RTÉ.

Opening Statement by Siún Ní Raghallaigh, Chair of the RTÉ Board, to the Public Accounts Committee

Cathaoirleach, Teachtaí Dála agus Seanadóirí, go raibh maith agaibh as an deis labhairt libh inniu.

At the outset, I wish to reiterate our profound regret regarding what has emerged in recent days. We know that RTÉ fell far short of the standards expected of us as an organisation.
We know this represents an egregious breach of trust with the public, for which we apologise. I am particularly aware today of the remit of the Public Accounts Committee, in ensuring accountability and transparency in how public bodies like RTÉ allocate, spend and manage their finances. You are charged with ensuring that the taxpayer receives value for money for every euro spent by such bodies.

Given your mission of guardianship of the public purse, the failures that have come to light on RTÉ’s part must be truly shocking to you, as they are to me. This was a particular breach of trust with you, the elected members of the Public Accounts Committee – with a central role in Irish public life – and this is something for which we sincerely apologise.

We are completely committed to rebuilding trust with you and with other public representatives. That is the least we can do. We also welcome the role that the PAC has now been afforded to examine expenditure by RTÉ and will work closely with the Committee in this regard.

As a trained accountant and a former financial controller, I am appalled as to how payments were recorded and presented in the RTÉ accounts. What was the motivation here? It appears to me that this was an act designed to deceive.

The forthcoming external government review will look at matters of culture and governance. This is welcome. But in the short term that is not enough. Every day that passes can further erode confidence in an institution that is a cornerstone of this State. The RTÉ Board is the governing authority of RTÉ. The role of the Board is to guide the corporate direction and strategy of RTÉ and represent the interests of viewers, listeners and staff, ensuring that RTÉ fulfils its statutory responsibilities in an efficient and effective manner. We work independent of the Executive Board.

As such the Board of RTÉ is taking a lead in driving the following five objectives, supported by outside expertise as required:

  • Establishing the Facts – from the moment the board was informed of a potential problem, we have worked to establish the facts. Within days of receiving the first Grant Thornton report, we published the details. We have since published the first Grant Thornton. And we commit to publishing the second Grant Thornton report as soon as possible. Accountants from Grant Thornton are currently on site in RTE. I, and the board, would also urge Dee Forbes to appear before this committee when she is able to do so.
  • Cultural Transformation – Yesterday at the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Tourism, Culture, Arts, Sports and Media I stated that in an organisation culture comes from the top down. The culture of an organisation permeates its leadership and decision-making processes. RTÉ produces excellent journalism and creative content but specific cultural issues around information silos, domineering hierarchies that shun transparency and foster bureaucracy are all too evident. The Board will lead on addressing this.
  • Internal Controls – This series of events has revealed grave failings in internal controls at RTÉ. Nothing less than an overhaul of such controls and work practices will now suffice, and the Board will oversee this process.
  • Examining How RTÉ Spends Its Money – We need to stand back and examine how RTÉ manages its money. This should start with a review of the highest paid in the organisation. We will also look at those areas in which expenditure can be strengthened in pursuit of public service broadcasting such as RTE’s digital capabilities.
  • Future Strategy – this crisis has placed RTÉ in a dangerous place – the Board, working with the organisation, will map out a future strategy to bring this organisation to a safer haven, an organisation that delivers the best in public service broadcasting, trusted by the public and employees alike. We need to strike that careful balance in achieving an organisation that can blend the agility needed to provide a public broadcasting service in an ever changing market while also having the controls and governance standards of an entity funded by the tax payer.

Finally, can I say something about the use of the word ‘talent’. Words matter and the term, as it is currently used, reinforces a ‘them and us’ culture in RTÉ. It implies some have greater worth than others. The first step in cultural change is to consign this term to the dustbin.

I wish to restate the fact that over 1800 people work for RTÉ and I apologise to each and every one of them for the distress they are experiencing. Together we have a job of work to do in to restore their confidence.

Statement by the RTÉ Board – June 23, 2023

The RTÉ Board confirms that Dee Forbes, the Director General was suspended from her employment on Wednesday 21 June 2023. There are processes on-going and RTÉ must be mindful of its legal responsibilities and the rights of individuals. RTÉ will not be commenting further on this issue at this time.

Statement by the RTÉ Board – June 22, 2023

In late March of this year during a routine audit of RTÉ’s 2022 accounts, an issue was identified in relation to the transparency of certain payments.

On receipt of this information, the Audit and Risk Committee of the RTÉ Board promptly commissioned Grant Thornton to carry out an independent fact-finding review on the matter in question.

The facts have been established. The review was completed, and findings furnished to the Audit and Risk Committee of RTÉ on Friday last and discussed on Monday of this week by the Board of RTÉ.

The matter in question concerns payments made to presenter Ryan Tubridy, and the key points confirmed are as follows.

  • In early 2020, discussions commenced concerning the renewal of Mr. Tubridy’s Presenter Contract.
  • RTÉ was focused on achieving cost savings due to the wider financial circumstances of the organisation and the commitment given by RTÉ in November 2019 to, among a range of measures, reduce the fees paid to RTÉ’s top 10 most highly paid, on air presenters by 15%.
  • Tubridy’s previously published remunerations for 2020 and 2021 show that he earned €466,250 and €440,000 respectively across those years, which by 2021 (first full year on new contract) appeared to represent an 11% reduction on his 2019 earnings. *
  • The review conducted by Grant Thornton concerned a separate agreement under which Mr. Tubridy was guaranteed by RTÉ an additional annual income of €75,000 which was intended to come from a commercial partner.
  • In making an agreement with the commercial partner, RTÉ concluded it on a cost neutral basis to the commercial partner, and the fee due to Mr. Tubridy was guaranteed and underwritten by RTÉ.
  • Accordingly, under the terms of this agreement, a payment of €75,000 was received by Mr. Tubridy in July 2020 from a commercial partner, in exchange for a number of personal appearances a year.
  • As part of this agreement, RTÉ in turn issued a credit note to the commercial partner thereby reducing the cost to it of its overall sponsorship arrangement with the organisation.
  • The commercial partner did not renew this agreement for a second year, and since the agreement was guaranteed and underwritten by RTÉ, the payments were instead made directly by RTÉ to Mr. Tubridy’s agent (on his behalf).
  • Tubridy received two payments of €75,000 (totalling €150,000), each in 2022 (being a payment for 2021 and a payment for 2022). It was these payments that prompted the review by Grant Thornton.
  • These payments were recorded in the RTÉ Barter Account in 2022 at a value of €115,380 each (see notes to editor).
  • In addition and following the furnishing of the findings of the Grant Thornton review, RTÉ carried out a review of Mr. Tubridy’s previously stated remunerations. Through this review, it was identified that Mr. Tubridy’s remuneration had been understated by RTÉ by a figure of €120,000 over the contract period of 2017-2019. The circumstances that led to this understatement by RTÉ are currently under examination.

As such, it is necessary for the Board of RTÉ to correct the public record in relation to Mr. Tubridy’s earnings from RTÉ during the period 2017-2022. They were, as follows:

  2017  2018  2019  2020  2021  2022 
Published Earnings  491,667 495,000 495,000 466,250 440,000 440,000
Actual Earnings  511,667 545,000 545,000 522,500 515,000 515,000


  • Earnings for the years 2017, 2018 and 2019 were understated by €120,000.
  • Earnings for the years 2020-2022 were understated due to the payments which went through the Barter Account.
  • *In light of the above ‘actual earnings’, Mr. Tubridy’s earnings were €545,000 in 2019 and €515,000 in 2021, representing an overall reduction of 5.5% in 2021 earnings compared to his 2019 earnings.

The RTÉ Board considers the public misstating of RTÉ’s financial information to be a very serious matter and has moved as quickly as it could, once it had independently established the facts, to publish the correct figures.

At the request of the Board, RTÉ has this week conducted an internal review of the reporting of the remuneration of its top 10 most highly paid, on air presenters. This review has found that the full cost to RTÉ of its contracts with the other such on air presenters, has been correctly reported.

The Board has now requested that Grant Thornton review the contracts of RTÉ’s top 10 most highly paid on air presenters to independently validate that all remuneration figures have been correctly stated and accounted for by RTÉ. Grant Thornton will also review the understatement by RTÉ of Mr. Tubridy’s published remuneration by €120,000 in the period 2017-2019.

The Board is committed to ensuring that there is appropriate accountability for what has occurred. That process is ongoing, mindful of individuals’ rights, and affording them due process.

The Board has put steps in place to ensure there is no recurrence of these matters. These steps include:

  • An internal review of contracts for the top 10 most highly paid on air presenters (now complete) and an external, independent review of the reported remuneration for the top 10 most highly paid on air presenters (soon to commence by Grant Thornton).
  • Republishing the remunerations paid to Mr. Tubridy since 2017 in order to correct the record (as above).
  • The pausing of all new material on air presenter contracts until the following processes are in place:
    • The Remuneration Committee of the Board to have full oversight and approval of the terms of contracts relating to the top 10 most highly paid on air presenters in value and any material variations or amendments to those contracts.
    • Bringing the Barter Account within the control of the Finance function and that specific controls are put in place to the operation of that account by RTÉ.

Chair of the RTÉ Board Siún Ní Raghallaigh said; “This is a matter of profound regret for the Board of RTÉ.  We are well aware that this is a serious breach of trust with the public. On behalf of the Board, I wish to apologise for what has occurred. It is clear that RTÉ has fallen short of the high standards that it sets for itself and are expected of it. Once these issues came to light, we acted expeditiously to establish the facts and we are confident that the safeguards we have now put in place will ensure that nothing like this will happen again, and that good corporate governance is adhered to at all times.”

Barter Account

  • A barter account is a common practice in advertising and marketing businesses where goods and services are traded through an intermediary company which charges a fee for its services.
  • €150,000 was paid to Mr. Tubridy’s agent (on his behalf) from the barter account in 2022. This related to the guaranteed income for 2021 and 2022. It resulted in an overall cost to RTÉ, from this account, of €230,760 (inclusive of fees incurred through the barter account process).

Overall Earnings Reduction
Notwithstanding these restated earnings for Mr. Tubridy, RTÉ’s stated commitment to reduce the fees paid to RTÉ’s top contracted on-air presenters by 15%, remains largely achieved with an average reduction of 14.9% across 2020 and 2021, compared with 2019.