RTÉ Tours

Thank you for your interest in guided tours of the RTÉ campus in Donnybrook, Dublin.

Please note that:

  • RTÉ does not employ a dedicated tour guide which means that tours are only possible where RTÉ staff can make themselves available to host tour groups.
  • Tours are for groups only; we do not operate tours for individuals.
  • Tours generally last between 1 and 1.5 hours. 
  • Access to some parts of the site may be restricted due to live productions.
  • We will do our best to accommodate your request, within the staff resources available. 
  • Please note that tours will NOT take place during November / December 2024 due to staff resources.
  • We will aim to recommence tours of the RTÉ campus early this year.

To apply for a tour of RTÉ, please complete this Tour Application Form.

If you have any queries in the meantime, please email info@rte.ie.